Find your talent here and click on the button at the bottom 'my talent'.
- Ability to focus
- Ability to handle change
- Academics
- Accident management
- Accounting
- Acrobat
- Acting
- Adaptability
- Administration
- Advertising
- Affiliate systems
- Analysing
- Art
- Articulating
- Asking questions
- Astrology
- Astronomy
- Athleticism
- Awareness
- Ayurveda
- Babysitting
- Banking
- Basket ball
- Billiard
- Birds breeding
- Body building
- Bookkeeping
- Brainstorming
- Brick laying
- Bridal wear
- Broadcasting
- Business
- Candle making
- Canvas painting
- Car modifying
- Care
- Carving
- Casting
- Chauffeuring
- Chemistry
- Chess
- Choreographing
- Claims handling
- Classical music
- Cleaning
- Club foundation
- Club management
- Comedy
- Communication
- Complaints handling
- Composing
- Computing
- Conflict resolution
- Construction
- Content writing
- Contracts
- Cooking
- Co-ordinating
- Costume making
- Craft work
- Creativity
- Cricket
- Critical thinking
- Crupto
- Cultural activities
- Currencies
- Customer services
- Cycling
- Dancing
- Data gathering
- Dealing with failure
- Decision making
- Detail orientation
- Detective
- Developer
- Dexterity
- Diary maintaining
- Disc / video Jockey
- Dog handling
- Drama
- Drawing
- Driving
- E-commerce
- Editing
- Electrical
- E-mail marketing
- Emergency response
- Empathy
- Empowering
- Encouraging
- Engineering
- Enthusiasm
- Equipments
- Events
- Fairness
- Farming
- Fashion
- Filming
- Financial management
- Financial planning
- Fishing
- Fitness
- Flower arrangement
- Flying
- Football
- Foreign Language
- Forex
- Futuristic
- Gaming
- Gardening
- Gas
- Geography
- Golfing
- Graphics
- Group organising
- Hair Styling
- Health & safety
- Herbal use
- Hiking
- Hiring
- History
- Home decorating
- Home remedies
- Honesty
- Horse riding
- Hospitality
- Human resources
- identifying strengths and weaknesses
- Identity safety
- Imaginative
- Indoor plants
- Inducting
- Initiative
- Innovation
- Inspiring
- Integrity
- Interior designing
- Internet
- Intuition
- Inventiveness
- Juggling
- Leadership
- Learner
- Legal
- Listening
- Logistics
- Magic
- Maintenance
- Make Up
- Making connections
- Making friends
- Management
- Marketing
- Martial arts
- Mathematics
- Mechanism
- Meditating
- Meeting and greeting
- Meeting management
- Mentoring
- Modelling
- Money Handling
- Motivational speaking
- Music
- Mythology
- Narrations
- Negotiating skills
- Nursing
- Opera
- Orator
- Organising
- Ornaments
- Painting
- Party arrangement
- Personal productivity
- Persuasive
- Photography
- Physics
- Picnic
- Planning
- Poetry
- Polyglot (learn/know a many languages)
- Positiveness
- Presentation
- Printing
- Problem solving
- Programming
- Project Management
- Prosthetic
- Public speaking
- Radio presenter
- Raise money
- Reading
- Recruiting
- Relaxation
- Reliability
- Report writing
- Research
- Risk management
- Road safety
- Routine tasks
- Rowing
- Running
- Sales
- Sailing
- Sarcasm
- Scheduling
- Science
- Sculpturing
- Security
- Self discipline
- Self-assurance
- Self-control
- Self-management
- Sewing
- Shoe Making
- Sign Language
- Simplifying
- Singing
- Skating
- Social networking
- Software programming
- Space
- Sports
- Spotting new trends
- Stand-up comedy
- Stereo
- Story telling
- Strategic planning
- Supervising
- Supporting
- Swimming
- Systems management
- Taking notes
- Taxes
- Teaching
- Technical drawing
- Technology
- Tele sales
- Telephone technology
- Theories
- Thinking
- Time management
- Tour organising
- Trading
- Training
- Translating
- Transport
- Trekking
- Trouble-shooting
- Typing
- Video Creation
- Visualisation
- Voice over
- Volunteering
- Water colour painting
- Website Designing
- Wedding planning
- Wisdom
- Woodworking
- Writing
- Yoga
- Zoology
- X-ray
- Under writing
- Unemployment